/*sprite with stars*/ #reviewStars-input input:checked ~ label, #reviewStars-input label, #reviewStars-input label:hover, #reviewStars-input label:hover ~ label { background: url('/image/catalog/stars.png') no-repeat; } #reviewStars-input { /*fix floating problems*/ overflow: hidden; *zoom: 1; /*end of fix floating problems*/ position: relative; float: left; } #reviewStars-input input { filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=0); opacity: 0; width: 43px; height: 40px; position: absolute; top: 0; z-index: 0; } #reviewStars-input input:checked ~ label { background-position: 0 -40px; height: 40px; width: 43px; } #reviewStars-input label { background-position: 0 0; height: 40px; width: 43px; float: right; cursor: pointer; margin-right: 10px; position: relative; z-index: 1; } #reviewStars-input label:hover, #reviewStars-input label:hover ~ label { background-position: 0 -40px; height: 40px; width: 43px; } #reviewStars-input #star-0 { left: 0px; } #reviewStars-input #star-1 { left: 53px; } #reviewStars-input #star-2 { left: 106px; } #reviewStars-input #star-3 { left: 159px; } #reviewStars-input #star-4 { left: 212px; } #reviewStars-input #star-5 { left: 265px; } Пока еще никто не оставил отзывов. Станьте первым! Форма отзывов Ваш Email * Ваше имя * $(document).ready(function(){ $('#button_contacts').click(function(){ var form_name = $('#form_name').val(); var form_email = $('#form_email').val(); var form_message = $('#form_message').val(); var form_rait = $('#form_rait').val(); $.ajax({ url: otz.php , type: post , dataType: json , data: { form_name : form_name, form_email : form_email, form_rait : form_rait, form_message : form_message }, success: function(data){ $('.messages').html(data.result); } }); }); });